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If someone were to consider applying to Southeast Online, I would tell them that it's probably one of the best decisions they can make.
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- Lacie Griffaw

M.A. Industrial Organizational Psychology

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Southeast Online has actually helped me make connections with like-minded people. I had received emails about the Child and Family Studies Association, and I was able to attend, which was extremely helpful for me to just connect with people who wanted to have the same degree as me. Being part of the group actually helped me receive two job offers.
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- Sara Carwile

M.A. Family Studies

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Southeast Online has great professors who are able to help you with the experience as an online student. They are people who understand your experience -  some people are working, some people travel. And so, the communication is quite on point. They really respond to emails on time and they're able to support you outside of those classes.
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- Sibonginkosi Mathe

Healthcare Admin and Business Economics